
BA Sour/Wild


  • Mills Standing Beer

    € 11,52

    "Standing beer is brewed in the summer and fermented with ale yeast in our coolship at ambient temperatures. The wort is made from barley, spelt, rye and European hops. Maturation takes place in large oak casks with wild yeast and bacteria, until the winter. Finally the beer is dry-hopped with whole-leaf hops and bottle conditioned for several months before release."

  • Siemàn Piccola Saison

    € 12,15
    : 2

    "Blend of 50% fresh farmhouse and 50% spontaneous beer 18 moth barrel aged. All ingredients are Italians. Little bit of rye malt. Cascade and crystal hops from Italian Hops Company. Finished with some Garganega grape must. Happy 10 years birthday La Tana a Bruxelles !!! "

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  • Siemàn Hop & Stave

    € 12,52
    : 4

    "Blend of different beers, it's the marriage between the long barrel aging world and the new hoppy wave. Wild, funky, gently sour, fruity, hoppy, refreshing."

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  • La Malpolon / Garrigues /...

    € 13,23

    Sour beer fermented fermented on sourdough from an Outland beer (season and chenin lees) then aged for 14 months in two barrels previously used by Les Garriques.

  • Granizo Sour Pisco

    € 13,80

    Sour with lemon zest agin in Pisco before is 02/2023

  • Bellwoods Farmageddon -...

    € 13,93

    "Farmageddon is our wild farmhouse ale that we've been brewing, blending, and aging for almost as many years as we've been open. The blending process allows us to maintain a common thread across batches, the aging adds nuanced layers, while the brett and bacteria work hard to create small idiosyncrasies in each release. It's a refined, effervescent, and delicious beer worthy of special occasions and idle weeknights. Distinct aromas of oak, green apple and gewurztraminer grape play wonderfully into flavours of pear, tropical fruit, white grape and vanilla. "

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  • Siemàn Samba

    € 14,43

    "This beer matures for 12 months in oak barrels with the indigenous yeasts and bacteria from our vineyards. At the end of maturation, we add fresh elderflowers and a selection of white grapes we grow on Berici Hills. Unfiltered, bottle conditioned. Beer in evolution."

  • La Malpolon Grenats

    € 14,56

    "Black lager with pomegranate pomace, 10 month of barrel aging in ex-wine casks, and maceration on Carignan (red grapes) pomace"

  • Granizo / Rare Barrel Noble...

    € 14,65

    "Collaboration with The Rare Barrel (USA). The noble Alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides) is one of the longest-lived trees in the world, living over 3,000 years, transcending our conception of time and space. Noble Alerce is a mixed fermentation beer that patiently matured for eight months in Alerce barrels over 100 years old, which previously fermented apple chicha and, prior to that, beer from southern Chile. More noble impossible! This refreshing beer has a generous and fine carbonation, aromas that evoke the countryside and spices, and in the mouth it has a balanced acidity with fruity and spicy notes. Rustic and delicate at the same time, we are in the presence of a very noble beer!"

  • Stillwell Poptones (Remix)

    € 14,87
  • Bellwoods Motley Cru (2022)

    € 15,75

    "Motley Cru 2022 is a three year blend of spontaneous coolship beer. It was aged in neutral barrels and blended together to our taste, with the more mature beer providing classic wild fermentation characteristics and the younger beer exhibiting clean and fruity qualities. Combined, they provide the best of both worlds. In striking our preferred balance between older and newer barrels, we were also striving to create a beer that is simultaneously true to what we do and a nod to what Belgian Lambic breweries have been doing for centuries. Motley Cru 2022 boasts fruity aromas of passion fruit, damp forest floor and subtle oak. Clean pleasant acidity, reminiscent of sweet tart. Notes of green pepper and rhubarb as well."

  • Bellwoods Donkey Venom

    € 15,91

    "At its roots it's a rich, dark ale, but the time it spends in barrels with brett and bacteria harmonizes the ingredients, yielding bright levels of acidity and complimentary fruit flavours. A hybrid style of sorts, that defies simple categorization. A foundation of roasted malts lends aromas of chocolate, mocha, and charred wood, while the flavours are firmly rooted in tart berries, black forest cake, and subtle caramel. High, refined carbonation within a dry body."

  • Popihn Sauvage Brett-Nat

    € 16,17
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  • Bellwoods Motley Cru (2021)

    € 16,25
    : 3

    "Motley Cru is an annual oak-aged blend released each year in celebration of our anniversary. The 2021 version comprises 85% Spontaneous Koelschip Ale, 7.5% Cabernet Sauvignon fermented Wild Ale, and 7.5% Saison. In a final, congregating act, the blend was refermented with morello cherries, wild blueberries, Haskap berries, and Gamay skins."

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  • Popihn Sauvage Shiso Rouge...

    € 16,32
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  • La Source Ouranos

    € 16,94

    "We left this Barley Wine to age for 2 years in barrels with our wild culture. It slowly developed its acidity and complexity in addition to a pleasant oxidative and maderized note. Almost Port-like "

  • Popihn Sauvage / Cyclic...

    € 16,97

    "Blend mixed fermentation barrels. We infused branches of white fir (Abies alba) and juniper (Juniperus communis) from the forest of the Vaumorin estate."

  • Siemàn Secondo Noi

    € 17,23

    "Produced in respect of Belgian ancient tradition, this beer is our 100% spontaneous fermentation in coolship, aged 24 months in oak barrels."

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  • Alvinne Farmhouse Sour 5 -...

    € 17,55
  • Popihn Sauvage Fleur de...

    € 17,69

    BA Wild ale infused with elderflowers

  • Popihn Sauvage Mirabelle...

    € 17,69

    "Beer made out of the blend of 2 barrels of red wine, 2 and 3 years old, in spontaneous fermentation and mixed fermentation. Mirabelle plums from Nancy were added for maceration for 6 months before bottling."

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  • Land & Labour Bière de...

    € 17,95

    "1 year old Spontaneous Fermentation beer aged on Irish Rhubarb grown by Ryans Farm in County Dublin."

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  • Bellwoods Grandma

    € 17,97

    "Grandma's Boy was one of the very first beers we aged in oak at Bellwoods, and its (almost) yearly release is one that garners much excitement. This year we decided to switch things up and share the unfruited version, in all its sour/funky/crisp glory -- and named it, simply, Grandma. The absence of fruit allows for more subtle flavours to shine through, showcasing the perfect intersection of acid, brett, oak, and a crisp, spritzy body. Gentle acidity balanced by refined brett character accented by notes of green tea, bosc pear, and champagne"

  • À Tue-Tête Rouge

    € 18,21

    Barrel aged red sour ale.

  • À Tue-Tête Noire

    € 18,21

    Vintage 2021. Wild/ Sour dark ale aged in oak barrels

  • Nevel Grondslag

    € 18,22

    "Grondslag is a bière de coupage composed of our oldest and best barrels. It is created to let you experience the natural flavours of barrel-aged beers, without additions and without carbonation. This really brings out the texture of the beer. Grondslag is a beer close to our core; a beer that shows the power of blending and the purity of aging." best before is 07/10/2023

  • À Tue-Tête Surette 2023

    € 18,25

    Blend of BA Golden Sour ales

  • Nevel Jubel

    € 18,31

    "Wild dark beer aged on pino sherry barrels. A festive and luxurious beer with sour and sherry like flavours. Made to enjoy during the holidays and to share. Jubel has aged for 18 months on wooden barrels."

  • Land - Labour Spon 2 years

    € 18,74

    "Spon - 2 Year Blend : This is a blend of 1 - 2 year old spontaneously fermented beer. Inspired by the Lambic tradition - brewed with a turbid mash, long boil, aged hops - then cooled overnight in our coolship where it was naturally inoculated with native wild yeast - bacteria. Following the overnight cooling, this inoculated liquid was filled into rinsed - steamed neutral oak wine barrels where the beauty of spontaneous fermentation evolved over the months - years. The beer in your glass is a true wild ale. Absolute terroir. We hope you enjoy it."

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  • Popihn Sauvage Cassis...

    € 18,97

    Red Wine BA Spontaneous Wild Ale with raspberries and blzck currants.

  • Popihn Sauvage Framboise...

    € 18,97
    : 1

    BA Sour with raspberries and vanilla

    Laatste items in voorraad
  • Hibernata Silenos

    € 19,25
    : 1

    "Silénos combines nobility and wild freshness. This robust stock ale has been aged in a Spanish red wine oak barrel for over a year with the help of wild yeasts. The interplay of these forces has fine-tuned the beer's distinctive notes of dried stone fruit, colourful sweet wood facets, barrel tannins and subtle hop bitterness into a heady interplay of aromas and flavours.Should you feel that it reminds you of something, it will certainly not be in vain to search your memory of enjoying a fine Spanish fortified wine."

    Laatste items in voorraad
  • Nevel Dauw

    € 19,25

    "Barrel-aged wild blond beer with elderflower. Once a year we brew a special blend for Dauw. After initial fermentation, when sugars are still present, we infuse the beer for one day with freshly picked elderflower. This results in an overwhelmingly aromatic beer, which becomes more rounded after long barrel aging. By mixing 3 years of vintages, we bring a lot of complexity to the beer. The young barrels add bitterness and floral scents, whereas the older barrels add ripeness and soften the character. Dew is a nice sour beer with rich elderflower, green pepper and citrus. In its aftertaste you can find the soft bitterness and the long lasting tones of spring blossom aromas."

  • Hibernata Hypsikerós

    € 19,25

    "Hypsikerós is an exuberant and fresh stock ale that has been aged in an oak cask of Burgundy natural red wine for over a year with the help of wild yeasts. The result is a characterful 'barley wine' with a tight, warm, winding profile punctuated by distinct notes of dried stone fruit, wood and hop tannins and a subtle bitterness. The resemblance to wine here is rather indirect: Hypsikerós is partly similar in charater to Flanders red ales, which are known by local connoisseurs as the 'Burgundy of the North'."

  • Bellwoods Intermodal (2021)...

    € 19,95

    "Intermodal is our very first 100% spontaneously inoculated wild beer, created in a style inspired by traditional lambic producers. This particular Intermodal is our first three year blend, with spontaneously fermented beer from 2020, 2019 and 2018. We blended this year’s Intermodal for our tastes, that is to say using a larger percentage of the younger barrels than aged ones, and the results are a delectable balance of acidity and bitterness, with notes of tannic white grape, wild fermented cider, and apple baking spices."

  • Alvinne Sour'ire de...

    € 19,95

    Sour version of "Cuvée de Mortagne" (Quadrupel) aged in White Port barrels. Very low carbonation - The barrel experience.