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Grape Ale


  • L'Ermitage / Popihn Le...

    € 18,57

    "The first collaboration was brewed at l'Ermitage last September. Saison base in mixed fermentation inoculated with our yeast strain as well as a cocktail of wild yeasts from spontaneous fermentation beers from Popihn. We macerated Belgian grapes (Muscaris) from Wijndomein Hoenshof during the 2023 harvest. Maceration for 3 months and aging in stainless steel vats, before natural refermentation in bottles.

  • Stu Mostów WILD 25 - Mixed...

    € 10,49

    "A two-year-old beer of mixed fermentation, which spent the first 10 months in a foeder, then we added freshly harvested Riesling grapes from a vineyard in Lower Silesia. For the next 10 months, the beer fermented in wooden barrels. After bottling, the beer refermented in the bottle for an additional 6 months."

  • Alvinne's Fellowship 2023...

    € 25,97

    "Blend of Cuvee Theo and Cuvee Sofie 2022 aged on Margaux barrels with Belgian Johanniter grapes from winery Hoenshof"