Kestemont Oude Kriek met Schaerbeekse Krieken

"Our Old style Kriek with cherries of the Schaarbeek variety is a variation of our Old Kriek. This beer is made with 100% organic Schaarbeek cherries, all grown ourselves. This type of cherries is becoming ever more rare, when they used to be omnipresent in the region for the production of Old Kriek. So we decided to start growing these ourselves on a couple of fields close to the brewery. The entire cherries are fermented in oaken barrels in lambic beer of at least one year old. After six months this transforms into Old Kriek with about 400 grams of cherries per liter of beer. Because of the second fermentation in the bottle, which carbonates the beer, you obtain a delicately soft taste and the distinctive foam head. A true delight for all senses with an harmonious balance between sweet and sour, and of course the added authenticity of the one and only Pajot kriek. Schaarbeek cherries are ever more scarce, which is a pity. After all, it is the original cherry variety for the...

10,11 €

Paiements 100% sécurisés
  • Uniquement des bières artisanales Uniquement des bières artisanales
  • Livraison dans le monde entier Livraison dans le monde entier
  • Livraison classique ou réservation avec mise en boîte. Livraison classique ou réservation avec mise en boîte.

Fiche d'information

0.955 kg